§ SIR JOHN GRAYsaid, he wished ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether he has any objection to lay upon the Table a Copy of the Judgment delivered by His Excellency the Governor of the West Coast of Africa, relative to the sentence passed by Mr. Huggins, one of the Judges of that Colony, on certain of the Natives?
§ MR. MONSELLsaid, in reply, that no formal judgment in the case of Mr. Huggins had been delivered by the Governor of the West Coast of Africa; but when his Excellency was in this country in August last, he was consulted on the matter, and expressed an opinion that Mr. Huggins was free from blame. An Ordinance had been passed to prevent any misconstruction of the law in future, so that no further inconvenience would arise. He (Mr. Monsell) did not think it necessary to produce the letter written by the Governor; but he should be happy to show it to the hon. Member.