HC Deb 12 May 1870 vol 201 c575

said, he would beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether, having reference to the increased duties of ordinary Inland Revenue Officers, and to a supposed understanding come to on the subject, it is intended to increase their salaries; and, if so, from what time the increase will date?


Sir, I attach no weight to any supposed understading. I neither suppose nor understand. There is no doubt that the number of Inland Revenue officers must be increased by the new duties which have been thrown upon them, and I hope will be thrown upon them; it is also clear that in many cases the duties discharged by these officers have been increased, and it is equally certain that some extra charge must be incurred; but the public will be benefited to a much greater extent. Under these circumstances, I am quite ready to say we shall be pleased to consider the question of increasing the salaries of these officers, having regard to the points I have mentioned.