HC Deb 05 May 1870 vol 201 c276

said, he would beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether it is proposed that the change in the mode of levying and collecting the Income and other Taxes shall come into operation this year; and, if so, whether the services of the present Commissioners, Assessors, and Collectors will be no longer required; if those of the latter (the Collectors) only are dispensed with, whether any compensation will be made to such of them as have, for a number of years past, devoted the whole of their time and energies to the duties of the office?


said, in reply, that the Bill having reference to the collection of the Revenue would not come into operation until 1872, consequently the services of those at present collecting the Revenue would be required to continue doing so next year. Consideration would, of course, be given to the case of persons who had served for a long time, and who had given their whole attention to the subject. At present, the Government proposed to follow the plan of the Bill introduced in 1864, and thrown out by a majority of 3 on the third reading, on account of provisions which did not affect this point.