§ MR. TIPPINGsaid, he wished to ask the First Commissioner of Works, If it is true, as stated in the "Builder" newspaper, that he has demanded of the archi- 989 tect the drawings of the Houses of Parliament; and, if he is aware that the Royal Institute of British Architects has declared that such a demand is not in accordance with professional custom, according to which such drawings are the property of the architect?
§ MR. AYRTONIt is correct, Sir, that I have asked Mr. Barry to deposit in the Office of the Board of Works certain plans prepared by him for Her Majesty's service and paid for by the public. It is also correct—at least I have been so informed—that certain architects have resolved that they are entitled to keep plans that they have prepared for other people who have paid for them. I have referred all the Papers to the usual advisers of the Board of Works in order to ascertain what the rights of the Crown are.