§ SIR JOHN PAKINGTONI wish, Sir, to put a Question to the right hon. Gentleman at the head of the Government, in consequence of an Answer we have just heard from the Secretary of State for War, who announced that he should be prepared to state on Monday next what course Her Majesty's Government propose to take with regard to the new regulations concerning the rank of ensign and cornet. Now, I wish to ask, Whether the statement of the right hon. Gentleman will be of such a nature as to involve any discussion; or, whether the arrangement will still hold good under which the Education Bill is the first Order of the Day for Monday?
MR. GLADSTONESir, we are not able to give any positive assurance as to the latter part of the Question of the right hon. Gentleman until after the close of the debate which we are now about to resume. We cannot say anything absolutely with regard to the Education Bill until to-morrow. The An- 1632 swer of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War was intended simply to announce that on Monday he would make a statement which would give information to the House, but which would not of necessity lead to or require any discussion. I wish to take this opportunity of answering a Question which was put to me some time ago by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for the University of Oxford (Mr. Gathorne Hardy), in regard to two Bills affecting the ownership of and the succession to land, and which he wished to be laid before the House at as early a period as possible, in order that hon. Gentlemen might consider their bearing on the Irish Land Bill. In reply to that Question, I have to state that I hope to be able to introduce next week, either in this or the other House of Parliament—or one, perhaps, in each—two measures, one relating to the succession of land in cases of intestacy, and the other relating to the powers given for the transfer of land.
§ MR. LIDDELLsaid, he would beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether, in the event of the debate on the Irish Land Bill closing that night, he will bring on to-morrow certain Votes in Supply involving questions of great importance, and likely to lead to a long discussion?
§ MR. CHILDERSsaid, it was very important that the Votes referred to by his hon. Friend should be passed as soon as possible, in order that the new arrangements as to retirements might be completed without delay. He did not know whether they could be brought on to-morrow night; but, at all events, he would not take them after eleven o'clock.