HC Deb 07 March 1870 vol 199 c1372

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, What stops, if any, will be taken to secure to Medical Officers serving on the West Coast of Africa those advantages which were guaranteed to them by the Warrant of 1858 and the Medical Regulations of 1859, afterwards embodied in the Warrant of 1866, but of which they have been deprived by the construction now put upon the Warrant of 1867?


Sir, there has been no change in the practice which ever since 1858 has permitted medical officers on the West Coast of Africa to count every year for two towards promotion and retirement. The rule never, extended to allowing them to count it so I for the advancement to the style of surgeon major, and it is not any construction of the Warrant of 1867, but the express words of that Warrant, which establish the rule, in accordance with what has always been the practice.


I beg to give notice that upon an early day I shall take an opportunity to call attention to the hardships endured by these medical officers, and to move a Resolution upon the subject.