§ MR. EASTWICKsaid, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether with reference to the expenditure for recruiting the British Regiments in India, and for Transport of Troops to and from India, any steps are being taken by the Home Indian Government to reduce the amount?
MR. GEANT DUFFSir, the reduction by every proper means of the Indian military charges constantly occupies the attention of the Secretary of State in Council; but my hon. Friend is, no doubt, aware that in all matters relating to the European troops, the views of the War Office and the interests of the British Exchequer count for a great deal. A Committee, composed partly of gentlemen belonging to the War Office and partly of gentlemen belonging to the India Office, is at this moment carefully considering the question of recruiting, with a view to coming to some arrangement which may be advantageous alike to the British and to the Indian taxpayer.