HC Deb 13 June 1870 vol 201 c1941

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, Whether it is true that Messrs. John Preston and Alfred Woodrow have been dismissed from the 13th Lincolnshire Rifle Volunteer Corps without either a court of inquiry being held or an opportunity of explanation or defence being afforded them; if so, whether he will state the circumstances under which they were dismissed, and say if he is willing to grant a court of inquiry, or in some other way to give them an opportunity of being heard?


Sir, a controversy having arisen in the corps which led to the removal of a quartermaster-sergeant, an unauthorized meeting of more than 30 members of the corps was held, at which resolutions were carried condemnatory of the course pursued towards the quartermaster-sergeant, and a committee appointed by whom those resolutions were signed. The Lord Lieutenant said— He could only suppose that the meeting had erred through ignorance; and, if he was assured that such was the case, he would take no further notice of its proceedings. But if a similar case should occur again it would be his duty to take such severe measures as would probably result in the disbanding of the corps. The Lord Lieutenant reported the case to the War Office, and their services have been dispensed with. Their proper course is to apply to the Lord Lieutenant, and put themselves in a proper position before him. This course has been pursued by one of the number, and he has been reinstated on the recommendation of the Lord Lieutenant.