HC Deb 11 July 1870 vol 203 c39

said, he wished to ask the First Commissioner of Works, Whether, in accordance with his statement of the 0th May last, that carriages would be allowed to drive from the end of James Street through the end of St. James's Park and out by Storey's Gate, he is prepared to sanction the opening of this thoroughfare, or whether the intention of so doing has been abandoned; and, if so, upon what grounds?


said, in reply, that what he had stated on a former occasion was that he could not entertain any proposition to make a permanent thoroughfare through St. James's Park; but as it was in contemplation to stop up a part of King Street, and obstructions might in consequence arise to the passage I of hon. Members through Parliament Street, he proposed the formation of a temporary road through St. James's Park. Since then, however, circumstances had changed, for he could not now say when the way through King Street would be stopped up, and he did not think that it was likely to be stopped during the present Session. At the same time he was informed that the Thames Embankment Road would be opened for carnage traffic on Wednesday, and then the Government, without speculating on the subject, would have the opportunity of observing the effect of that road in relieving the traffic through Parliament Street. Under these circumstances, it was not desirable that the existing arrangements with respect to St. James's Park should be interfered with, unless it should be found to be absolutely necessary.