HC Deb 28 February 1870 vol 199 c879

said, he wished to ask the Lord Advocate, Whether the Government intend to re-introduce, during the present Session, the Bill which passed through this House last Session to extend and improve the Parochial Schools of Scotland, and to make further provision for the education of the people of Scotland; and, if not, whether the Government are prepared to introduce, during this Session, any other measure dealing with the whole subject of Elementary Education in Scotland, and including the landward districts as well as the towns?


Sir, in answer to my hon. Friend, I have to say we are very desirous of making progress during the present Session with education in Scotland, as well as with education in England; and we hope, from signs lately given in Scotland, that public opinion there may be such as to facilitate that object. But, with regard to the means and the possibility of our doing what we desire to do in this matter, I am not now in a position to give any distinct assurance. I trust, however, that before the Session has much advanced, within a few weeks, and when we are better informed as to the progress of the English Education Bill, I shall be able to make a positive statement on the subject. I can assure my hon. Friend that if we fail it will not be from the want of a wish and an anxiety on our part to do what he wishes to see accomplished.