§ SIR JOHN PAKINGTONsaid, he wished to ask the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education, Whether he intends to bring in, during this Session, the second part of the Endowed Schools Bill of last year?
§ MR. W. E. FORSTER,in reply, said, his right hon. Friend would remember that the Bill of last year was one affecting the teachers of secondary schools, rather than those of primary schools. After a full consideration of the subject the Government had resolved not to bring in this year such a Bill as that referred to by his right hon. Friend. The very great pressure of Public Business would prevent it; but in the interests of education he did not regret the circumstance, and for two reasons. First, because from information which had been afforded the Government by the managers of endowed schools it would appear that the Government would be in a better position to deal with the subject after this year had passed, because after that time they would be in a position to consider all the schemes which had been sent in after the Act of last year by the governors of endowments. And here perhaps he might be allowed to express the pleasure he felt at the manner in which, generally speaking, the governors of endowed schools had met the desire expressed by Parliament last year. His second reason was that he thought Parliament would be better enabled to go into the subject in a satisfactory manner after the discussions on and the passing of the Education Bill.