§ DR. LYON PLAYFAIRsaid, he would bog to ask the right hon. Member for North Staffordshire, Whether the Royal Commission on Public Health, of which he is the President, have inquired into the want of connection and defective organization of the various Hygienic Services of the State; and, if so, when their Report on the subject is likely to be presented?
§ SIR CHARLES ADDERLEYThe Sanitary Commissioners have inquired into the defective organization of authorities and confusion of the laws relating to health, but their inquiry is not yet complete. They have reported the evidence taken last year, which has just been laid on the table. They hope to make a full Report of their recommendations, including a sketch of a consolidated law and plan of complete sanitary administration for all England and Wales, except the metropolis, during this Session, so that public opinion may be expressed on it during the Recess, preparatory to legislation next year. Scientific inquiry as to the best modes of carrying out various sanitary works they postpone for the present, and entertain doubts whether public opinion is yet ripe for legislative prescription in such details.