HC Deb 11 February 1870 vol 199 c177

said, he wished to put a Question to the First Lord of the Treasury, of which he had not given him notice. Of course, if the right hon. Gentleman was not now prepared to answer it, he should repeat it on a future occasion. He wanted to know, Whether any Papers having reference to the negotiation for the renewal of the French Treaty had been submitted to the Legislature of France; also, whether any Papers relating to a proposal for a commercial treaty with Austria had been laid before the Reichsrath; and also, whether the right hon. Gentleman would lay any Papers connected with either subject on the Table of the House of Commons?


said, he presumed the Question of the hon. Member related to Papers supplied from this country?


Papers from the Foreign Office.


said, he was not aware that any Papers from this country had been laid before the Corps Legislatif or the Reichsrath. Reports had been conveyed to them of proceedings in France and Austria with respect to the Commercial Treaty; but he was not aware that any Papers had been sent from this country, or that any official intervention of that kind had taken place. If the hon. Gentleman had received specific information which led him to believe that any particular Papers had been laid before the bodies mentioned, and would furnish him with the means of tracing the fact, he would take care to inform himself on the subject.