HC Deb 25 April 1870 vol 200 cc1726-7

MR. Speaker informed the House, that he had received from the Right honourable Mr. Justice Morris, one of the Judges selected, pursuant to the Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868, for the trial of Election Petitions, a Certificate and Report relating to the Election for the Borough of Mallow. And the same were read, as follow:—

Mallow Election.—In the matter of an Election Petition for the Borough of Mallow, between Major L. E. Knox, Petitioner; and Henry Munster, Esq., Respondent. I Michael Morris, one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas in Ireland, and one of the Judges for the time being for the trial of Election Petitions in Ireland, having heard and determined the said Petition, do certify and report such determination as follows:—That Henry Munster, Esq., was not duly elected to serve in Parliament for the said Borough of Mallow. That said Henry Munster was, by his agent Captain Spencer Stewart, guilty of corrupt treating at said Election. That it has not been proved that such corrupt treating was committed by or with the knowledge or consent of said Henry Munster. That Major L. E. Knox was not duly elected, inasmuch as said L. E. Knox was not proved to have had a majority of legal votes. That said Major L. E Knox was not by himself or his agents guilty of any corrupt practices at said Election. That said last Election for the Borough of Mallow was a void Election. That four Electors of said Borough, viz. James Tuckey, Daniel Curran, Owen McCarthy, and Daniel Sheehan, were, shortly before and at the time of said Election, urgently soliciting money in consideration of their giving their votes; but it was not proved that they had received any. That I have not any reason to believe that corrupt practices have extensively prevailed at the last Election for the said Borough of Mallow.

Given under my hand, this 21st day of April 1870.


To the Rt. hon.

The Speaker of the House of Commons,

And the said Certificate and Report were ordered to be entered in the Journals of this House.