§ MR. AKROYDsaid, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If he has received a Memorial from the Teachers and Students in connection with Artizan Science Classes in Birmingham, in which they object to the concessions just granted to the Brassfounders of that town under the 12th Clause of the Schedule of "The Factory Acts Extension Act, 1867;" and stating that the continued success of those classes, which date their existence from the passing of the Act of 1867, depends entirely upon the opportunities which a uniform hour of closing factories affords for attending the studies with regularity and certainty; and, if he has any objection to lay the Memorial upon the Table of the House, and to state the reasons which induced him to grant the concessions to the Brass-founders?
MR. BRUCEsaid, in reply, that he had received a memorial to the effect stated in the Question, and should have no objection to lay it on the Table if his hon. Friend thought it worth his while to press for it, though it was only of five or six lines, and contained little, if anything, more than what was stated in the Question. His hon. Friend was doubtless aware that the very onerous and critical duty of making variations in the time for which certain trades should work, according to their usages and customs, was laid on the Secretary of State, and the whole country was put under the charge of two Inspectors of Factories. He had accordingly requested the two Inspectors of Factories to go through all the cases in which any change had been applied for; and on examining this particular case they had thought, from the evidence given, that the customs used in the trade required that some change should be made, to this extent—that instead of working from six to six they should work from seven to seven.