MR. STOPFORDsaid, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for foreign Affairs, What is the total sum which has been spent on the maintenance of British Graves in the Crimea; why is or has been responsible for the proper application of such sum; and will he lay upon the Table Sir Andrew Buchanan's recent Despatch on the subject?
MR. OTWAYsaid, in reply, that the entire sum spent had been £3,291 15s. 3d., and the expenditure ranged over a period of six years, from November, 1860, to November, 1866. It included the remuneration of custodians and watchmen, as well as repairs. He was glad of an opportunity of stating these facts, because exaggerated accounts of the expenditure had appeared in the papers. The gentlemen who had been responsible for the application of the money were the two consuls at Kertch, who had been directed to visit the graves periodically and report on their state. A small sum had also been expended by the consul at Odessa. The despatch of Sir Andrew Buchanan contained other matters than an account of his visit in company with the Prince and Princess of Wales to the Crimean graves, and therefore it would be inconvenient, to lay the despatch on the table; but he would be glad to allow any hon. Member to see that part of the despatch referring to the condition of i the graves.