HC Deb 06 May 1869 vol 196 cc263-4

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, Whether it has been officially brought to his notice that the rifle range now used by the Militia and Volunteers at Chelmsford was lately reported upon and condemned as unsafe, in consequence of a Memorial addressed to the War Office and signed by three magistrates of the county; whether he was aware that, notwithstanding, target practice was still continued in the same spot, at the peril of all the residents in the neighbourhood; and, whether he will at once communicate with the proper authorities, in order that the nuisance complained of may be put an end to.


in reply, said, it had been recently brought to his notice that the rifle range referred to, which had been used for several years without accident and without apprehension, had been condemned as unsafe. An inquiry had been instituted, and the result of the Report was that proper precautions would be used to obviate any danger. The range would be inspected and approved by a competent officer before it was again used by the Volunteers.