HC Deb 03 May 1869 vol 196 cc21-2

said, he would beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury, What arrangements the Government are prepared to propose with regard to the Whitsuntide Recess?


In answer, Sir, to the right hon. and gallant Gentleman, I have to say that I think that the arrangement which the House has been kind enough to sanction will enable us. ass far as we can estimate, to bring the Committee on the Irish Church Bill to a close in the course of the present week. Should our anticipations upon that point be fulfilled, we should propose to redeem our engagement to the hon. Member for East Suffolk (Mr. Corrance), who was kind enough to waive his right of precedence on a former day, by fixing his Motion for Monday next. We should then propose to take the Report of the Irish Church Bill on the following Thursday: and, in the event of our getting through the Report on that evening, we should propose to adjourn from that day to the following Monday week. ["Oh, oh!"] Well, that is not written in letters of iron; but I believe it is in accordance with the general wish of the House. Such is the intention of the Government. We hope, if possible, to adjourn on Thursday.