§ SELECT COMMITTEES—New Law Courts; Seeds Adulteration, nominated.
§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee—CIVIL SERVICE ESTIMATES—Class I.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolutions in Committee—Pensions Commutation.
§ Resolution in Committee—Ordered—First Reading—Shipping Dues Exemption Act (1867) Amendment * [184].
§ Second Reading—Poor Law (Ireland) Amendment (No. 2) [173], debate adjourned.
§ Committee—Report—Civil Offices (Pensions) * (re-comm.) [133]; Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act (1868) Amendment * [182]; Court of Session Act (1868) Amendment * [145]; High Constables' Office Abolition * [183]; Special Bails * [162].
§ Considered as amended—Civil Offices (Pensions) * (re-comm.) [133]; Greenwich Hospital * [105]; Endowed Hospitals, &c. (Scotland) * [124].
§ Third Reading—Bankruptcy * [169]; Civil Offices (Pensions) * (re-comm.) [133]; Land Tax Commissioners' Names * [54]; Park Gate Chapel Marriages, &c. * [111]; Prisons (Scotland) Administration Act (1860) Amendment * [143], and passed.