§ — SELECT COMMITTEE — Salmon Fisheries, nominated.
§ PUBLIC BILLS — Resolution reported—Ordered — First Reading — Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) * [181].
§ Second Reading—Courts of Justice Salaries and Funds * [96].
§ Committee — Metropolitan Poor Act (1867) Amendment * [53]—R.P.; Special Bails * [162] —R.P.; Sunday and Ragged Schools (re-comm.) * [170]—R.P.
§ Committee—Report—Imprisonment for Debt (re-comm.) [98–179]; Insolvent Debtors and Bankruptcy Repeal * [134–180]; Fines and Fees Collection (re-comm.) * [171].
§ Considered as amended—Bankruptcy * [169]; Land Tax Commissioners' Names * [54]; Park Gate Chapel Marriages, &c. * [111]; Fines and Fees Collection (re-comm.) * [171].
§ Third Reading — Fines and Fees Collection (re-comm.) * [171], and passed.
§ The House met at Two of the clock,