HC Deb 19 July 1869 vol 198 c153

said, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether the Colonial Office addressed a Circular Despatch in the course of last year to the Governors of the various Colonies defining, the duties and responsibilities of ex-officio Members of Legislative Councils; and, if so, whether the Colonial Office have yet received any notification from the Governor of Hong Kong of his having communicated the contents of this Despatch to the ex-officio Members of the Legislative Council of that island for their information and guidance?


said, in reply, that a circular despatch, such as the hon. Member described, had been addressed to the Governors of different colonies; but no information had been received from the Governor of Hong Kong, stating that he or anybody else had communicated the contents of that despatch to the ex-officio Members of the Legislative Council of that colony.