HC Deb 22 February 1869 vol 194 c156

said, he would beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade, If he expects to be able this Session to bring in a Bill to consolidate and amend the Laws affecting our Mercantile Marine?


said, it was the intention of the Board of Trade to introduce such a Bill. The late Government took some steps towards putting the Bill into shape, and it was now in the hands of a draftsman. His hon. Friend knew that the Bill would contain an appalling number of clauses, and that the subject was one of great difficulty. It was therefore the intention of the Board of Trade, when the Bill was sufficiently put into shape, to submit it to a number of gentlemen who were interested in the question, and if possible to make it in some degree complete before it was introduced into the House, and at that time the opinion and advice of the hon. Member would be gladly received. The Bill would be laid on the table of the House in the course of the Session; but he should be sanguine indeed if he were to hope that it could pass this Session.