HC Deb 22 February 1869 vol 194 cc185-6

, in moving for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for a common basis of value for the purposes of Government and local taxation, and to promote uniformity in the assessment of rateable property in England, said, that as this Bill resembled in its general provisions the Bill of the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Northamptonshire (Mr. Hunt), introduced last Session, he would not occupy the House by describing its provisions at the present time. He hoped, however, soon to be able to lay the Bill on the table of the House.


said, he wished to know if the same principle was to be applied to borrowed capital for the counties as was applied to that for the metropolis? He also wished to ask whether the borrowed capital was to be repaid throughout the term of its repayment by equal annual instalments? At present, it was provided the amount should be re-paid in thirty equal payments; but that was impossible, taking into consideration that the amount of interest differed and diminished every year. He thought there ought to be something in the nature of a sinking fund for the purpose, and that money borrowed for general purposes ought to be made a union, instead of a parish charge.


asked, whether it was intended to equalize the rating of all mines, and to bring under assessment metallic as well as coal mines?


, in reply, said, the Bill would be limited practically to the uniformity of assessment of rateable property, and would consequently not include the assessment of any new kinds of property. That question was under consideration; but he was unable to say whether there would be time to deal with it this Session. As to loans, it appeared to him that any changes made in reference to them ought rather to be made in the laws under which they were contracted, than in the present Bill.

Motion agreed to.

Bill to provide for a common basis of value for the purposes of Government and Local Taxation, and to promote uniformity in the Assessment of Rateable Property in England, ordered to be brought in by Mr. GOSCHEN, Mr. ARTHUR PEEL, and Mr. AYRTON.

Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 11.]