HC Deb 10 August 1869 vol 198 c1526

said, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether his attention has been called to the arrest of a young man, Mr. Nathan, a British subject, at Milan in April last, and to his continued incarceration to this time without trial, bail being refused; and, whether he will state what steps Her Majesty's Government have taken in the matter?


said, he had to say, in answer to the Question of his hon. Friend, that his attention had been called to the arrest of this young gentleman, Mr. Nathan, at Milan. It appeared that he was a mere boy, he believed of nineteen years of age, and the first intimation that the British Minister at Florence had of his arrest was on the 19th of July, when the brother of Mr. Nathan called at the Legation and informed Sir Augustus Paget of the circumstance. Sir Augustus Paget reported the fact to the Foreign Office on the 21st of5July, and Lord Clarendon directed instructions to be sent to Sir Augustus Paget on the 3rd of August, desiring that all the information he could obtain should be forwarded, requesting that the young man might be admitted to bail, and that in the meantime he should not be sent to Naples.