§ PUBLIC BILLS—Committee— Parochial Schools (Scotland) [215]—R.P.; Charity Commissioners* [239]—R.P.
§ Committee—Report—Straits Settlements * [259]; Contagious Diseases * [255]; Presentation of Benefices belonging to Roman Catholics, &c. * [256]; Broughty Ferry Provisional Order Confirmation * [254]; Parochial Schools (Scotland) (re-comm.) [215]; Canada (Rupert's Land) Loan [253]; Charity Commissioners* [239].
§ Considered as amended—Third Reading—Government of India Act Amendment* [150]; Governor General of India * [89]; Habitual Criminals* [73]; Millbank Prison* [258]; Bishops Resignation* [241], and passed.
§ Third Reading — Prevention of Gaming (Scotland)* [248]; Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment (Ireland) * [261], and passed.
§ The House met at Two of the clock.