HC Deb 20 April 1869 vol 195 c1196

said, he wished to ask the Third Lord of the Treasury, Whether the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests will provide a Return stating which salmon fishings in the rivers in Scotland are still retained by the Crown, and which have been granted to individuals by charters or other titles; and, whether in the case of those fishings which the Crown retains, the public may be permitted to angle with rod and line during the open season?


said, in answer to his hon. Friend, he had to inform him that the title to salmon fishing was not merely founded on grants from the Crown, but on adverse possession for forty years. From the fact of the uncertainty of these titles, it would be impossible to furnish the Return asked for; and it would be hardly consistent with the duties of the Commissioners of Woods to allow the public, in the case of those fishings which the Crown retains, to angle with rod and line during the open season.