§ MR. WALPOLEbrought up the Report of the Select Committee. There were several corrections which required to ha made in it before it could be circulated; but such instructions had been given that he hoped the Report would be in the hands of Members by Monday morning. In the meantime he was authorized and instructed by the Committee to communicate to the House the results of their labours, which, he hoped, would be satisfactory to the House. There were three classes of cases into which the boroughs as dealt with by the Committee might be divided—cases in which the Report of the Commission had been recommended for adoption; cases in which the Select Committee recommended that modifications should be made in the Report of the Commissioners; and cases in which the Committee recommended that the present boundaries should be retained. The first class, in which it was recommended that the Report of the Commissioners should be adopted, included the cases of Bolton, Chester, Greenwich, Newport (Monmouthshire), Northampton, Preston, Stalybridge, and Windsor. The cases in which the Committee recommended that the Report of the Commissioners should be modified were those of Chelsea, Cheltenham, Darlington, Gloucester, Hastings, Midddlesborough, Newport (Isle of Wight), Oldham, Salisbury, and Wilton. It was recommended that the present boundaries should be retained in the cases of Birkenhead, Birmingham, Bristol, Gateshead, Lambeth, Liverpool, Marylebone, Manchester, Not- 1045 tingham, Portsmouth, Reading, South Shields, Tynemouth, Warwick and Wigan.
§ Report read; and ordered to lie on the Table, and to be printed. (No, 311.)
§ Minutes of the Proceedings of the Committee to be printed. (No. 311.)