HC Deb 22 May 1868 vol 192 c714

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, Whether the second battalion of the 60th Regiment, containing from two hundred to two hundred and fifty raw recruits, has not been recently landed in India, and is now now detained at Fort William; whether the cholera has not broken out at that station; whether, in consequence of the insufficiency of the medical staff, a special medical man, not belonging to the Regiment, has not been appointed "to take charge of it;" whether many deaths from cholera have not taken place in the Regiment; whether the station is not considered an unhealthy one, and whether fresh recruits are not more liable than others to its unhealthy influence; and what reason there is for detaining at that station the battalion of the 60th Regiment?


said, in reply, that the Regiment referred to by the hon. Member arrived at Fort William on the 31st of October last, just at the beginning of the cold and healthy season. No information had been received as to cholera, or which related in any way to the health of the Regiment. He was unable to explain why the troops were sent to Fort William, as that was a matter which rested with the local authorities.