HC Deb 13 March 1868 vol 190 c1591

said, he rose to ask the Lord Advocate, Whether he intends to propose any Educational Measure for Scotland in the present Session; and, if so, whether it is to be framed in accordance with the Bill suggested by the Scottish Education Commission? He would also beg to ask, whether the Bill will contain provisions for compulsory attendance at school?


said, in reply, that it was the intention of the Government to introduce a Bill relating to Education in Scotland in the course of the present Session. He might, at the same time, state that the delay on his part had, to a great extent, been caused by a desire to afford facilities for representations to be made by persons representing various religious and other important bodies in Scotland, in reference to the recommendations of the Commissioners. Those representations had now been received, and the Bill would, he hoped, soon be brought in. An additional Report had been made by the Educational Commissioners, and would shortly be issued, dealing with the subject of normal and other training schools, which had a material bearing on the question of elementary education. He trusted the hon. and learned Member would excuse him for not answering the concluding part of his Question, because it was a subject that would require to be approved by the Government before it was introduced into the Bill.