§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolutions reported—Inland Revenue Acts.
§ Ordered—Fairs (Metropolis); Inland Revenue.
§ First Reading—Fairs (Metropolis) * [205].
§ Second Reading—Military at Elections (Ireland) [95], negatived; Municipal Corporations (Metropolis)[105], negatived; Lunatic Ayslums (Ireland) Accounts Audit * [184];] Libel (Ireland) * [199]; Turnpike Trusts Arrangement * [200]; Colonial Governors' Pensions Act Amendment * [202].
§ Committee—Revenue Officers Disabilities Removal [76]; Larceny and Embezzlement [157]—R.P.; Assignees of Marine Policies [147]; Burials (Ireland) * [5]; Railway Companies (Ireland) Advances * [177]; Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Supplemental (No. 2) * [195]; Medway Regulation Act Continuance * [196]; Prisons (Scotland) Administration Acts Amendment (re-comm.) * [197]; Bankruptcy Act (1861)Amendment [145].
§ Report—Revenue Officers' Disabilities Removal [70]; Assignees of Marino Policies [147–203]; Burials (Ireland) * [5–204]; Railway Companies (Ireland) Advances * [177]; Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Supplemental (No. 2) * [195]; Medway Regulation Act Continuance * [196]; Prisons (Scotland) Administration Acts Amendment (re-comm.) * [197]; Bankruptcy Act (1801) Amendment [145].
§ Considered as amended—University Elections (Voting Papers) * [187]; Bank of Bombay * [173].
§ Third Reading—Curragh of Kildare * [192]; New Zealand (Legislative Council)* [185]; Consular Marriages * [188]; Bank Holidays and Bills of Exchange * [180], and passed.
§ Withdrawn—Landed Property Improvement (Ireland) * [32].