HC Deb 15 June 1868 vol 192 c1563

said, he wished to ask the First Commissioner of Works, Whether the statement in the Builder of the 13th of June, that Mr. E. M. Barry, A.R.A., has protested against the appointment of Mr. Street ns architect of the New Law Courts, on the ground that such appointment is at variance with the letter and spirit of the conditions of the competition entered into by the architects, be a correct statement?


, in reply, said, it was true that Mr. Barry had written a letter to the Treasury, which had been published that morning in the newspapers, protesting against the appointment of Mr. Street as architect of the Now Law Courts. This letter would be laid on the table, with other Correspondence on the same subject. With regard to an exhibition of the designs of the New Law Courts in the Library of the House, he might remark that the designs had already been on view for six months in Lincoln's Inn, and that no object would be gained by another exhibition in the Library.


Was Mr. Barry's protest received before or after Mr. Street's appointment?


After his appointment.