HC Deb 12 June 1868 vol 192 c1476

said, he wished to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, Why the Annual Report of the Postmaster General for the year 1866, presented to the House on the 12th of August, 1867, has not yet been printed; why the Annual Report from the same Department for the year 1867 has not yet been presented; and, why the assurance given several weeks since by the Secretary to the Treasury, that those Reports should be speedily circulated, has not yet been fulfilled?


, in reply, said, the Report for 1866 had been delayed in order that it might be presented along with that for 1867, the events of the year 1866 not being of a very important character. Both Reports would certainly be in the hands of Members within the present month. The reason for the delay that had taken place in the last few weeks was the great extra pressure of business and the increase of correspondence relative to the Electric Telegraphs Bill.


said, he wished to inquire, If the Report would be laid on the Table before the Vote for the Post Office Service was taken?


said, that the Report, would, he believed, be laid on the table before the Post Office and Steam Packet Estimates were taken.