§ LORD WILLIAM HAYsaid, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, Whether it is the case that the decision of Lord Canning, with respect to the will of the Raja of Kupurthulla, has been reversed by the Governor General, and that six months only, dating from the 1st of May, have been allowed to His Highness for the purpose of appealing; and, if so, whether he has any objection to extend that period to one year?
§ SIR STAFFORD NORTHCOTE, in reply, said, he had received no direct communication from the Governor General of India on the subject; but he saw in the Report of the proceedings that a decision was come to by the Governor General on the 8th February last in respect to the will in question, and that the present Raja had been called upon to give effect to the will of his father. In consequence some communications had taken place between the Raja and the Governor General in April last, when the latter stated that he would allow the decision to be suspended for a period of six months from the 1st of May in order to enable the Raja to carry his appeal to England. No such appeal had as yet arrived. If there should not be time to consider it within the period named, which he (Sir Stafford Northcote) thought very possible, he would take care to have the time extended so as to afford 1105 ample time for the consideration of what was a very complicated question.