§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee—Resolutions [July 9] reported.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolutions in Committee—Danube Works Loan.
§ Ordered—Danube Works Loan *; Militia Pay *; Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Supplemental (No. 3)*; Saint Mary Somerset's Church, London.*
999§ First Reading—Militia Pay *; Danube Works Loan * [227]; Saint Mary Somerset's Church, London * [228]; Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Supplemental (No. 3)* [229].
§ Second Reading—Tithe Commutation, &c. Acts Amendment* [218] Public Departments Payments* [212]: Vaccination (Ireland)* [217]; Liquidation* [220].
§ Committee—Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation * [223]; Tain Provisional Order Confirmation * [224]; Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections (re-comm.) [63]—R.P.; Court of Sessions (Scotland) (re-comm.)* [214]; General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act Amendment* [206]; New Zealand Assembly's Powers* [216]; Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment* [222]; Sale of Poisons and Pharmacy Act Amendment* [181]—R.P.
§ Report—Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation* [223]; Tain Provisional Order Confirmation* [224]; Court of Session (Scotland) (re-comm.)* [214]; General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act Amendment* [206–226]; New Zealand Assembly's Powers * [216]; Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment* [222].
§ Considered as amended—Larceny and Embezzlement * [157].
§ Third Reading—Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation * [223]: Tain Provisional Order Confirmation* [224]; Colonial Governors' Pensions Act Amendment [202]; Promissory Oaths* [113]; Larceny and Embezzlement* [157], and passed.
§ The House met at Two of the clock.