HC Deb 07 July 1868 vol 193 c812

said, he wished to ask the First Commissioner of Works, Whether he has received any Chemical Report on the trials that have been made for the induration of the Walls of the Houses of Parliament, and whether he will lay such Report upon the Table of the House; and, when the public will be admitted to see the Frescoes painted by the late Mr. Dyce in the Queen's Robing Room?


said, in reply, that as far as the Frescoes were concerned, they were now quite fit to be inspected by the public, and he believed he might also say, with great confidence, that they would prove themselves to be fully worthy of the fame of that distinguished and lamented artist. With regard to the room itself, there were some slight works being carried on under Mr. Barry's charge, which were not yet completed. Mr. Barry had been called away from London, and he was not able to say precisely how soon the room, would be in a condition to be opened to the public, but he apprehended very shortly indeed.