HC Deb 03 July 1868 vol 193 cc607-8

SUPPLY—considered in Committee—CIVIL, SERVICE ESTIMATES—Class V.

Resolutions [July 2] reported—NAVY ESTIMATES.

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Salmon Fisheries (Scotland)* [210].

Second Reading—Indorsing of Warrants* [208]; Investment of Trust Funds Supplemental* [164].

Special Report of Select Committee—Petit Juries (Ireland) * [No. 390].

Committee—Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market (re-comm.) [25], Adjourned Debate further adjourned; Metropolitan Police Funds*[132]; Poor Law and Medical Inspectors (Ireland)* [183]; Fairs (Metropolis)* [205].

Report—Petit Juries (Ireland)* [209]; Metropolitan Police Funds * [132]; Poor Law and Medical Inspectors (Ireland)* [183]; Fairs (Metropolis)* [205].

Considered as amended—Registration* [190]; Ecclesiastical Commissioners* [168]; Clerks of the Peace, &c. (Ireland)* [194].

Third Reading—Land Writs Registration (Scotland)* [111]; Burials (Ireland)* [204], and passed.

The House met at Two of the clock.