HC Deb 20 February 1868 vol 190 c987

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, Whether the Bombay Government has been authorized to take shares in, and resume a connection with, a new Bank similar to that existing with the institution now being wound up under Act 19 of 1857 of Legislative Council of India; whether, as stated in a recent Memorial of Shareholders, £2,000,000 had been lost of the original capital of £2,090,000 of that establishment; and if he will lay before the House the whole of the Correspondence connected with the liquidation of the old and the reconstruction of the new Bank of Bombay?


It is the case, Sir, that the Bombay Government has been authorized to take shares in the new Bank of Bombay, and to resume a Government connection with it. The connection is not to be precisely the same as that which existed with the previous Bank; because I believe it will be more convenient to appoint a Government Inspector with sufficient powers than to have Government Directors. But that is a point still under consideration. With regard to the amount of loss of capital, I am not able to say exactly whether the statement to which the hon. Gentleman refers is accurate or not. The Memorial of which he speaks is, I suppose, the Memorial still in preparation, which has not yet been sent to the India Office. I suppose a very large amount of capital has been lost, but the extent of it I am not able to give. With regard to the Correspondence, I shall be prepared to lay it before the House.