§ MR. NICOLsaid, he wished to ask the Lord Advocate, Whether, in the proposed change in the Law Procedure of Scotland, he will take into consideration the extension of the jurisdiction of the Enclosure Commissioners in England to Scotland, as regards the enclosure and improvement of Commons, and the exchange and partition of lands?
THE LORD ADVOCATEsaid, in reply, that he had looked into the Acts which regulated the jurisdiction of the Enclosure Commissioners in England, and was satisfied that it would be impossible to extend the provisions of those Acts to Scotland. There was an Act passed about 1695 by the Scottish Parliament for the purpose of enforcing the partition of lands held in common, and that Act had been put extensively in operation. He should look into it and see whether any improvements could be introduced. If so they should be embodied in the Bill to amend the Law Procedure of Scotland, or be made the subject of a separate measure.