HC Deb 29 November 1867 vol 190 c421

asked, Whether it is the intention of the Government to propose any grant for the relief of the sufferers by the late terrible disasters in the West Indies?


said, that the Government had taken measures to relieve the immediate distress at Tortola, and one of Her Majesty's ships had been sent from the North American Station to the Island to give assistance. They also proposed to repair the pier and public buildings which had been destroyed at Tortola, and the labour thus employed would indirectly benefit some of the sufferers; but the Government had not decided as to giving any further relief from the public funds. He might remark that very large private subscriptions were being raised in this country, and he trusted that they would be amply sufficient to supply the wants of the sufferers by the late storm, in regard to food, clothing, and the re-building of private houses. The destruction was such as to destroy the chief sources of revenue in the Island for at least a year.