§ MR. NEWDEGATEsaid, he would beg to ask the hon. Baronet the Member for Clare, Whether he will postpone the Second Reading of the Libel Bill, which stands for the following day, the Bill itself having only been delivered that morning?
§ SIR COLMAN O'LOGHLENSir, if it were a new Bill, I should be most anxious to comply with the request of the hon. Member; but as it is substantially identical with that which was read a third time on the 7th of August last by a majority of 79 to 18, and as I am anxious to get it up as soon as possible to the House of Lords, I shall certainly go on with the second reading to-morrow.
§ MR. NEWDEGATEThen in that case I shall move to postpone the second reading for a fortnight.