HC Deb 27 May 1867 vol 187 cc1129-30

said, he would beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether, considering that the number of Electors on the last Register for the part of the Tower Hamlets proposed by the Reform Bill to be called the Northern Division, already exceed 21,300, and that very considerable addition will be made by the Lodger Franchise and the reduction in the qualification, it is still his intention to add to such Northern Division of the Tower Hamlets the extensive parish of West Ham, which is in another county, and is not within the Metropolitan area; and, whether he will have the goodness to inform the House the estimated number of Electors which the Northern Division of the Tower Hamlets will possess should the Bill pass in its present shape?


All those arrangements, Sir, with respect to boundaries of boroughs will really depend upon the decision of Commissioners—five Gentlemen, of whom the head will be Lord Eversley, as I mentioned the other day. As soon as the arrangements are made I will let the House know the names of the other Commissioners. They will be, I am sure, men who will command the confidence of the House. I certainly do not intend to make any alteration in the existing arrangements with regard to those boroughs now, because the final settlement of the matter will be in the hands of the Boundary Commissioners.


said, the question in this case was not one of boundary.


I believe, Sir, that the hon. Gentleman will find that these arrangements will be entirely in the power of the Boundary Commission, or these whom we call in common parlance Boundary Commissioners.