HC Deb 20 May 1867 vol 187 c852

called the attention of the House to the illegality of appropriating to the Consolidated Fund the fees for the registry of deeds in Ireland, which he contended was contrary to the several statutes passed for the regulation of the registry. The amount thus derived was £41,000 annually, and by the clearest enactments it was to be applied in reduction of the fees of court. The Treasury had no right, in the face of these enactments, as well as of the reports of the Commissions appointed to examine into the subject, to apply the amount to the Consolidated Fund. In addition to the fees, the stamps produced an amount of £5,000, which had been charged for the last thirty-two years. The course taken was contrary to law, and he hoped he should have an assurance that it would not be continued.


said, that of late years there had been no surplus at all, but, on the contrary, they had been obliged to make good a deficiency. No doubt, during some years there had been a surplus, and the money had been paid into the Treasury; but as that surplus was owing to the fact that certain work which ought to have been done, and for which payment ought to have been made, was postponed until the years when the account showed a deficiency, his hon. and gallant Friend had not, as far as he could see, any cause of complaint.

Motion, "That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair," agreed to.