HC Deb 16 May 1867 vol 187 cc613-4

SELECT COMMITTEE—On Corrupt Practices at Elections nominated; Factory Acts Extension and Hours of Labour Regulation, Mir Frederick Heygate discharged, Mr. Lanyon added.

SUPPLY — considered in Committee — £416,750, Increase Pay to Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, and for more efficient Recruiting of the Army.

PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—Water Supply*; Writs Registration (Scotland).*

First Reading—Writs Registration (Scotland)* [160]; Water Supply* [161].

Second Reading — National Debt Acts [114]; Court of Law Officers (Ireland)* [145]; Vaccination* [125].

Committee—Petit Juries (Ireland)* [46]; Court of Chancery (Ireland)* [47] [R.P.]; County Treasurer (Ireland)* [91].

Report—Petit Juries (Ireland)* [46 & 158]; County Treasurer (Ireland)* [91 & 159].

Considered as amended—Bunhill Fields Burial Ground* [107].

Third Reading—Labouring Classes Dwellings Acts (1866) Amendment* [118]; British Spirits* [135], and passed.