HC Deb 14 May 1867 vol 187 c562

, in moving for leave to bring in a Bill to facilitate the Improvement of Landed Property by extending the powers of Limited Owners of Land in Ireland, said, that the principle of his measure was the same as that introduced a short time ago by the Chief Secretary for Ireland, though it proposed to deal with the question in rather a different way. He hoped the Landed Improvement Bill of the noble Lord would be referred to a Select Committee; and, if so, he should wish to have this Bill also referred to the same Committee. He proposed that the annuities to be charged on the lands of the limited owner on account of his expenditure in improvements should be for periods varying from twenty-one to sixty-one years according to the nature of the improvement. As regarded leasing powers, he did not propose to give any notice to the successor. There was no occasion for any such intervention, which must be unpleasant to the landlord, and tend greatly to prevent the working of the Act. His Bill was founded to a considerable extent on the Montgomery Act of 1769, which had been very useful in Scotland, and to which many persons attributed a great portion of the prosperity of that country.

Motion agreed to.

Bill to facilitate the Improvement of Landed Property by extending the powers of Limited Owners of Land in Ireland, ordered to be brought in by Mr. PIM, Mr. LEADER, and Mr. BLAKE.

Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 150.]