HC Deb 09 May 1867 vol 187 c266

Sir, I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department the Question which, at his request, I postponed on a former occasion. Had the Government before them, in their present form or in substance, the opinions of their Law Officers, signed by Sir Hugh Cairns and the Solicitor General at the time of the disturbances in Hyde Park last year?


The meeting was held on the 23rd of July. Alter that the opinion of the Law Officers then in office — Lord Cairns and Sir William Bovill—was taken on the only point not included in the case submitted to the Law Officers in 1855 — namely, a question as to the power to disperse such a meeting by force. The opinion on this point was given subsequent to the day of the disturbance, and delivered to Her Majesty's Ministers on the 28th of July.