HC Deb 09 May 1867 vol 187 c264

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, Whether he intends at once to lay upon the table of the House the Correspondence that has passed, including Telegraphic Messages, upon the subject of the Orissa Famine with the Indian Governments, agreeably with the assurance given by the Under Secretary of State previous to the Easter recess?


said, in reply, that the Papers bearing on the Orissa Famine were extremely voluminous, and it was doubtful whether the mass would not be too large for the convenience of Members. But the Commissioners' Report was coming home by the next mail, and would be received in two or three weeks. The most convenient course, therefore, would probably be to lay that Report upon the table when it arrived, together with such portions of the Correspondence as were material, and then, if more were desired, it could, of course, be presented.