HC Deb 06 May 1867 vol 187 cc66-7

Order for Third Reading read.


moved its re-committal pro formâ He said that it was for the purpose of inserting an Amendment which he had not had the opportunity of moving at au earlier stage. The Bill proposed to substitute a Parliamentary Secretary for a Vice President. The latter had to resign his seat on appointment, the former would not. The words he proposed to introduce would have the effect of appointing an officer who would vacate his seat on appointment.


said, he acceded to the Motion. He regretted having pressed forward an earlier stage of the Bill, not knowing that so fair and courteous an antagonist as his hon. Friend desired to raise any question upon it. The Vice President of the Board of Trade was appointed by the Queen, whereas the future Under Secretary would be appointed by the head of the Department. By analogy therefore to other Government offices, he need not vacate his seat, as he did not hold an office of profit under the Crown.


said, he regretted that the hon. Member (Mr. Childers) should have been disappointed on a former occasion. The mistake was probably owing to an impression that a Return which had been granted had satisfied the opponents of the Bill.

Order discharged.

Bill re-committed; considered in Committee.

House resumed.

Committee report Progress; to sit again upon Thursday.