§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee.
§ (In the Committee.)
§ £2,000, Special Rewards to certain members of the Irish Constabulary Force.
LORD NAASsaid, that after the gratifying discussion that took place some short time since in that House, he should only be wasting time in entering fully into the Vote. He felt certain that the Committee would vote this small sum with the greatest satisfaction, in order to place at their disposal the means of rewarding those men who had done such great service. The rewards would be distributed as fairly and equitably as possible, according to the services rendered. The Government had also under their consideration the propriety of giving honorary rewards. Of course, it was a matter requiring great consideration; but he hoped to be able to bring the subject very shortly before the House. The country was under great obligation to the force, and especially to the gallant officer at its head, who had exhibited qualities, during the late difficulties, which enhanced the reputation he had previously acquired in the service of his country. He had great pleasure in moving the Vote.
§ MR. COGANsaid, he wished to express his concurrence in the Vote. It was satisfactory to find that the police force had been able to put down this insurrection.
§ MR. CHICHESTER FORTESCUEsaid, he wished to express his satisfaction in the course proposed by the Government. Rewards to be effectual should be prompt. Had it not been for the recognition of the services of the force by the House on a former occasion, and also what had passed in the other House, he should have 895 asked for the postponement of the Vote in order that it might be discussed in a fuller House; but, under the circumstances, he thought he need not do so. The manner in which the force had discharged is duty was deserving of the highest praise. He was glad that the Government had under its consideration also rewards of an honorary nature.
§ MR. O'BEIRNEsaid, that as he had not the opportunity upon a recent occasion, when the conduct of the Irish constabulary formed the subject of so much just commendation in that House, to express his concurrence in the general and willing testimony which was borne to their devoted, and, he might add, chivalrous loyalty, he was anxious now to be permitted to do so; and as the representative of an Irish constituency also, to offer his acknowledgments to Her Majesty's Government for the well-considered and firm steps they adopted to protect the country from the serious danger which lately threatened it. He was happy to find that the noble Lord so promptly recognised the services of the constabulary, and that, as the organ of the Irish Government in that House, he had paid a just and generous tribute to a body of men who had for years entitled themselves to the confidence of the country, and who had upon a recent occasion so amply proved the high spirit by which they were influenced. But he entertained a feeling of regret with reference to the Vote now submitted. He could have wished that the Government had much enlarged the amount now proposed. He thought £2,000 was quite insufficient for the purpose intended; and he believed the country would readily offer a more substantial recognition of the services which that Vote was intended to reward. However, he was unwilling to interfere with the action of the Government, and his support should be very heartily given to the proposal now submitted by the noble Lord; although he could not help repeating his belief that it was by no means so substantial a return as the very remarkable and exceptional circumstances which had led to its being submitted to the Committee would have justified. The noble Lord had informed them that it was the intention of Her Majesty's Government to confer some honourable distinction upon the Members of the constabulary who had so eminently entitled themselves to the gratitude of the country; and he hoped in that recognition 896 they would find a compensation for what he believed to be the insufficiency of the amount now asked for.
LORD CLAUD HAMILTONsaid, he could bear testimony to the excellent manner in which the Dublin metropolitan police had discharged their duty in Dublin in apprehending members of the Fenian conspiracy, much larger than the body of men who apprehended them.
§ Vote agreed to.
§ House resumed.
§ Resolution to be reported upon Monday next; Committee to sit again upon Monday next.