HC Deb 21 March 1867 vol 186 c279

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether instructions have been given or will be given to the Children's Employment Commissioners with a view to the extension of the inquiry beyond "organized agricultural gangs commonly called public gangs" to "private gangs and other branches of agricultural employment," which the Commissioners describe in their Sixth Report (p. xxiv.) as "beyond the scope of their instructions," and whereon they consequently received evidence admitted to be "very limited and only incidental to the main object of their inquiry;" and, whether the Government intend to introduce during this Session a measure dealing with the grave evils disclosed in the recent Report?


said, in reply, that he could not give to the first Question of the hon. Member a decided answer at the present moment, as the matter to which it referred was under consideration. In reply to the second Question, he would observe that he thought it would be better to allow the Report to lie on the table for a little time before he announced what course the Government might be prepared to take with respect to any legislation founded upon it.