HC Deb 27 June 1867 vol 188 cc608-9

said, he wished to put a Question to Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer with reference to some points of the Reform Bill, on which he and others felt considerable difficulty. He alluded to the important Schedule for Redistribution which had been laid on the table by the right hon. Gentleman, and which required some supplementary information in regard to the new boroughs and division of counties. He (Mr. Gladston) had prepared a Motion for a Return of the estimated population, area, and rating of the new boroughs, and the division, of counties respectively proposed to be constituted. There were other particulars which might perhaps be given at once without delaying the business of the Committee. He wished further to put a question to the Law Officers of the Crown. A misapprehension on an important point had gone abroad, which appeared to be shared not only by individuals but also by local authorities. A local officer had informed an individual who paid 13s. 2d. a week for furnished lodgings that in consequence of that sum being paid as rent, and including furniture, he was not entitled to be put upon the register. He thought that must be a wrong impression, and he wished to give notice that, on a future occasion he would ask the Law Officers of the Crown, Whether in their judgment the occupier of furnished lodgings would be admissible to the franchise under the Reform Bill, provided they were of the clear annual value unfurnished of £10 and upwards?


I have not much doubt myself on the subject; but, as the right hon. Gentlemon has addressed his question to the Law Officers of the Crown, it may be more satisfactory to him that they should reply to it. With regard to the first question I was under the impression that there is a Return on the table of the House of the area and population of the new boroughs, and the divisions of counties. I will, however, take care that as much information as possible shall be laid on the table in proper time.